Columbia County Mental Health Center is dedicated to serving the residents of our county struggling with a variety of mental health disorders. Our compassionate, experienced team provides the highest level of care in a relaxing, encouraging and patient-centered environment. Columbia County Mental Health Center strives to connect with each person and guide them to a happy, healthy life.
Hours are 8:30AM through 10:30AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Hours are 8:30AM through 10:30AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Google Meets Video - Video Tutorial and Step by Step Instructions
Crisis services available 24hours a day at 518-828-9446
Crisis services available 24hours a day at 518-828-9446
Please fill out this form if you are interested in services
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See the Signs, Save a Life
PSANYSAC created this opioid addiction awareness ad in partnership with the New York State Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners. Watch here: